Can You Get Car Inspection Without Your Registration

Texas Vehicle Inspection And Registration Stickers Are Partnering Up!

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Inspection Questions

Have inspection station requirements changed?

No. The inspection station will check the same elements that have previously been inspected. However, you will receive a Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR) in lieu of an inspection sticker.

If my vehicle fails inspection, do I owe any fees?

Yes, you will owe the inspection station fee regardless of whether the vehicle passes or fails.

Why didn't I receive my registration renewal notice?

Vehicle inspection and registration renewal reminder letters are sent to motorists when a passing inspection record could not be found when the renewal notices were created. This letter is mailed the month before the expiration of vehicle registration, and serves as a reminder to get a passing inspection and renew your registration.

Can I renew without a registration renewal notice?

Once you have a passing inspection, you do not need a renewal notice to renew online or at your county tax office. Please note that eReminders are sent via email regardless of the inspection status of your vehicle.

If I get a safety inspection in a non-emissions county but move to an emissions county and register my vehicle, is another inspection necessary? Will there be additional charge?

No. As long as the passing inspection was obtained no earlier than 90 days before your registration expiration you will be able to renew.

Is an inspection required to obtain a 30-Day or One-Trip permit?

No. A passing inspection is not required before permit issuance as permits are issued in lieu of registration. However, a passing inspection is required to drive the vehicle on Texas roads.

Commercial Vehicles: Since I will not receive a sticker, do I still need to receive a safety/emissions inspection?

Yes. All commercial vehicles registered in Texas are required to have a Texas safety inspection.

If I have a USDOT inspection, do I need to obtain a state commercial vehicle inspection?

Yes. Texas statute requires all commercial vehicles registered in Texas to maintain an annual safety inspection.

What do I need to do before leaving the inspection station?

VIN errors are most common at inspection stations that manually record inspection results. While inspection stations should verify that the correct VIN is printed on a VIR, you are also encouraged to verify your VIN, before leaving the inspection station, in order to avoid any delays at the time of registration renewal. You can confirm the VIN printed on your VIR is correct by comparing it with the VIN listed on your Insurance card/Insurance policy which is required for inspection purposes, your Vehicle Registration Renewal Notice or Vehicle Inspection and Registration Renewal Reminder Letter.

The VIN printed on my Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR) is incorrect. What do I do?

Return to your inspection station and request a corrected report.

What if I have an issue with the inspection station?

Please email the Department of Public Safety (DPS). Be sure to include the inspection station information, such as station name, station ID (if possible) and inspector. All complaints must be submitted in writing.


I have a RV and am considered a seasonal Texan since I'm only here part of the year. What do I do?

An example of a seasonal Texan is one who engages in RV traveling for a portion of the year. These individuals may title and register a vehicle in Texas provided they have a Texas address. Please refer to the Special Circumstances section on the Motorists page for detailed information on the renewal process for out of state motorists.

I have Disabled Veteran license plates. How does "Two Steps, One Sticker" affect me?

The registration process for those with Disabled Veteran license plates is the same as for motorists with general issue plates. If you currently pay a $3 annual plate fee, you will continue to pay the $3 plate fee and the state's portion of the inspection fee if it is due.

I want to exchange my general issue license plates for specialty plates in the middle of my registration period. Will I need to obtain a new inspection?

No. Exchanging to a new license plate type does not require a new inspection.


I have a motorcycle. How does "Two Steps, One Sticker" impact me?

You will need to have your motorcycle inspected no earlier than 90 days before your registration expires before you can renew it.

I have a trailer. How does "Two Steps, One Sticker" impact me?

If your trailer is required to be inspected, you will need to have it inspected no earlier than 90 days before your registration expiration before you can renew it. You will follow the steps for inspecting and registering passenger vehicles outlined on our Motorists page. Trailers with a Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) more than 7,500 pounds are required to pass an annual vehicle inspection. The sticker design has not changed.

What about vehicles with Dealer license plates?

Dealer plates are not assigned to a vehicle; therefore, inspection cannot be verified. Vehicles with dealer plates must still have a passing inspection when operated on public roadways or be subject to citation by law enforcement. As a best practice, dealers should maintain a copy of the VIR in a vehicle displaying dealer plates as proof of inspection.

Will webDEALER handle the program?

Yes. webDEALER is equipped to help your dealership easily calculate all fees due at the time of registration and title, including the state's portion of the inspection fee. webDEALER will electronically verify inspection, and also allow for a manual verification of inspection if needed.

It is important to note that although registration is contingent upon inspection, a vehicle's inspection is not invalidated when a registration sticker is removed.

How will county subcontractors (i.e. grocery stores) renew registration?

All subcontracting locations are able to process registration renewals if the inspection can be verified electronically; however, only some subcontractors are able to verify manually (using the VIR).

What happens if I need to increase the weight of my vehicle?

If you add weight to a truck or trailer/semi-trailer mid-registration period, inspection will not be verified as this is not issuance or renewal of registration.

Is an inspection required before I purchase a 72 Hour or 144 Hour Permit?

No. A passing inspection is not required before permit issuance as permits are issued in lieu of registration.

What are the 'extra' fees on my renewal notice?

As of March 1, 2015, vehicle inspection stations no longer collect the state's portion of the inspection fee. At the time of inspection, you pay only the inspection station's portion of the fee. The state's portion of the inspection fee is collected at the time of registration or renewal.

I have an apportioned account. How will I be affected?

Apportioned and Token Trailers are not affected by the requirements of HB 2305 also known as "Two Steps, One Sticker." These registration types will not participate in the Single Sticker program however, they will continue to obtain a Texas Inspection and pay the states portion of the inspection fee at time of registration. In lieu of the inspection sticker the Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR) is required to be in the unit as proof of inspection.

Inspection Type Counties State Portion
One-Year Safety Counties except the emission counties listed below and vehicles 25 years and older $7.50
Safety-only (vehicles 25 years or older) Statewide $7.50
Two-Year Safety (new vehicles) Statewide $16.75
Commercial Statewide $22.00
Trailer/Motorcycle Statewide $7.50
Safety Emissions (TSI/OBD) El Paso $8.25
Safety Emissions (TSI/OBD) Travis, Williamson $10.25
Emission (ASM) for vehicles model-year 1995 and older Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall and Tarrant $8.25
Emission-Test Only El Paso $2.75
Emission-Test Only Travis, Williamson $2.75
Emission-Test Only Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall and Tarrant $2.75
Emission (OBDNL) for vehicles model-year 1996 and newer Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall and Tarrant $8.25
Safety Emissions (NLTSI) Travis, Williamson $8.25

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Can You Get Car Inspection Without Your Registration


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